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"I'm going to be updating more than I'm actually dating"
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Saturday, July 4, 2015

Review on EX MACHINA (Alex Garland, 2015)

“One day the AIs are going to look back on us the same way we look at fossil skeletons on the plains of Africa. An upright ape living in dust with crude language and tools, all set for extinction.”

Alex Garland put the words so easy, the reality’s now mixed up in the world of Caleb, the lucky person to meet Nathan, the CEO from the company he works at. In his house, Nathan introduces him to an AI robot that he makes, her name is Ava. And there’s where the show begins.
The meta concept about how computers and human beings become one, mind-wise, is a villainous combination. The playfulness of the human psyche and emotions works so arbitrarily fucked up. Alex Garland, the writer and director shows us that it’s funny how delicate human emotions are, how can we be tricked by an AI by showing consciousness of the mind, he’s able to put it so bluntly yet scary.

The actors, Domnhall Gleeson, Alicia Vikander, Oscar Isaac, and Sonoya Mizuno, work so great together in this futuristic chamber play-like film, the performances of Domnhall shows the insecurity and the foolishness of humans while Oscar shows a ton of evil side of the humanity with his impalpably humane performance. Alicia, was a thunder of lightning talent with her divisively unbelievable performance as Ava.
Those performances and screenplay work so great with the cinematography and the score, as well. They build up a rollercoaster of emotions based on what life is like in the future, which is pretty rare. I love the way Alex Garland puts on the gender issues in this film, which makes this film a thousand times better.

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